Friday, June 3, 2011

Who is to blame for our economy?


  1. No wonder President Obama has so many votes. You placed his name on the very top of this poll. If you ask me, this poll is slanted towards Republicans.

  2. The President's name is on top because he is the President. No one is going to blame him because his name is on the top, however, folks might blame him because he is our President during this economic slump.

  3. If Obama is to blame, how come the economy was in the shitter before he was elected? TARP was Bush. Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG. The sub-prime mortgage crisis. All of that shit happened when Bush was president and these are the major issues of the ongoing economic crisis. Not saying it was Bush's fault per se, but he was the president, so how could it be Obama's fault?

    That being said, Clinton had hundreds of millions in budget surplus his last 5 years in office and the economy was thriving, so how could it be Clinton's fault, either, as he gets mentioned as the root of our economic crises quite often.

  4. Repubs doing all they can to spin Obama as the bad guy. This is not too hard when you have so many people thinking Sarah Palin is a viable candidate for 2012.

  5. Thank you for your comments. I believe the real answer is not listed. This was a trick question and like politics's not fair. The answer is "ALL OF THE ABOVE".


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