Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stephen Hawking alive at 68, is a miracle.

As many of us have heard by now, there is no heaven in the Cosmos, according to Stephen Hawking. Hawking said, "There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." It's clear to me the man is not afraid of the dark and that he is bitter. He fails to realize that he is a living, breathing miracle. When he was diagnosed with ALS by his 21st birthday, it was believed that he would not be living past a few more years. Today he is 68 years old and he receives 24 hour care. He is married with children and has grandchildren. He has led an extraordinary life. He has kept his job, he travels and he has even had the opportunity to experience weightlessness (as seen in the YouTube video), which was his life long dream come true. The truth of being diagnosed with ALS is that many people who are afflicted with ALS usually do not live past five years. Here we have a man who has lived with ALS for a miraculous 47 years. The hardships during that time have probably been difficult to deal with. But for him to imply that God does not exist, is wrong. Hawking cannot disprove God's existence and therefore should stay out of the science vs God debate. His distraction is not only negative for God fearing people, but also science.


  1. Maybe he wants to be God?

  2. So he wants everyone to believe that once you die, you die. After that, it's over. No more family, friends and pets. Just a body buried six feet under. Nahhh. I will continue to read the Bible and believe in God and that Jesus is the Son of God. I don't force my belief system on anyone and sure as hell don't appreciate someone telling me that my belief is a fairy tale.


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