While perusing the latest tweets. I came across an interesting tweet. Here's the screen shot for keder- He tweet's the following-"If you're interested in continuing the campaign to get @ BarackObama booted for spamming Twitter, go here.....".
What is so amazing is that Obama has around 1600 tweets as opposed to Keder who has
...well, let another screen shot show you what I'm talking about. My first reaction was exactly how many tweet's does keder have- to my surprise over 87,000+ tweets. Wow. And he want's to boot Obama for a paltry 1600+? And what happen to freedom of speech? Especially for a President. Whether I voted for Obama or not, it doesn't matter. We need to hear what our leaders are up to. God forbid we ever elect someone who wants to take away our right to communicate.
Now before anyone reading this blog begins to think we have a right to ban or boot Obama, what if the U.S. Government tried to ban you? How would you feel? Believe me, a sitting President is more valuable to listen to, than someone who is ranting about a new date or buying a new pair of shoes. Get it together people. Don't be hypocrites.
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