During the Democratic Primaries, Candidate Obama was said to have made a mistake. He said our Country should target Pakistan in it's war against terror. Everyone, including Mrs. Clinton and McCain, jumped Obama. Every single candidate running for President said that Obama was wrong. Today, we are seeing a true leader take shape. Whether you dislike some of President Obama's policies, you have to admit, he got the job done. There is no conspiracy here. 9/11 did not take place under Obama's watch, however, killing bin Laden did.
The US military got the job done! Obama just got lucky.
ReplyDeleteObama just showed me he's a leader. I was wrong about him. Unlike some of the folks in both parties, I will admit to my mistakes.
ReplyDeleteObama the world saviour. The cheering will stop when the deceived masses realise who the current "president" really is. Dangerous and deceiving times. Christians, the time has come my brothers and sisters. The king of the north is revealing himself.
ReplyDeleteI know your type. You said that Obama was the antiChrist and he working with bin Laden. Now he's shown the world he's a great leader. However, you only want to find fault. You are the loser. Not Obama.
ReplyDelete"The King of the North"? Never heard that before. No need to start calling him the AntiChrist, he hasn't shown an interest in rebuilding the temple to worship himself yet. 8D
ReplyDeleteKing of the North? I'm a Christian and I'm happy to see bin Laden killed for trying to start a world war against those who share the same religion as I do. I don't agree with Obama's policies, but I'm a Christian and an American Patriot. God Bless him for being our President.
ReplyDeleteFor me, this is the first time that I have seen & heard Obama sound like a real American patriot.
ReplyDeleteI give credit where it is due & this time Obama did well.
So he's the guy that got the winning Powerball ticket and was smart enough to cash it in. Congratulations, President Obama on being Commander and Chief of the finest military in the world.
ReplyDeleteis this a joke? you people are giving Obama credit for this? The US government has always known where Bin Laden is. There has been many times the US government could have killed him... Bush is the one who said Bin Laden is believed to be hiding in Pakistan. And Obama was bombing Pakistan for two yrs now. And have you morons noticed the timing of all this? Right before his campaign for re-election. Obama just gave the OK to kill him, if he did kill him. There is still NO evidence he did. Just the words coming from his mouth which we all know how 'honest' he has been.
ReplyDeleteEvidently, you don't know the facts. Bush never went into Pakistan with an elite team to take out bin Laden. That was Obama's idea back in 2007 when he was a candidate for office. McCain and Clinton both attacked him saying he was being naive. Here's the link. Give credit to the man. The man is our President who won the election FAIR AND SQUARE. No hanging chads etc... And he's keeping his promises. Here's the link.
Hilarious and tragic how the "media" is working so hard to give Barry Obama credit for the last 9.5 years of intelligence agency and tier 1 operator efforts to track down Bin Laden.
ReplyDeleteThe only "credit" Barry deserves is that apparently FOR ONCE, he didn't let his arrogantly ignorant ego get in the way of those that actually know what the job is.