Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Triangular UFO's : Why are they here?

Ready for a true story? I know this particular story is true. Because it happen to me. For obvious reason, this is the first time I've told someone other than a close friend or relative about what happen. Please read on.

It was a cold and rainy night back in the winter of 2008. As I drove down a central valley highway, my only focus was on my ailing mother and a client that needed his paperwork in a town that was 20 minutes away. As my mother went to sleep, I decided to take care of some business that was pending. So down the highway I went, at first it seemed that I was the only car on the road. Within a few minutes traffic was crowded and lo and behold I see a large light coming towards the north bound traffic. As the rain suddenly stopped, I thought I might be able to see what was in front of me. It was flying down low. And I could tell it was a large object. My first thoughts were military and that it should not be down so low to the highway. Thanks to this intense beam of light, I could not see what was behind it...until it shifted it's direction. Rather than going south, it was now going eastward. I could not believe the size of it. The other occupants in the car were just as amazed. We rolled down our windows and could only hear the sound of the wind. As I slowed down. No sounds at all. I could make out a triangle and it was huge. The object had a white beam of light, emanating from the middle lead point on the triangle going east from the object into the night sky. This beam was nothing like the YouTube video's that were posted that showed a triangular object with a narrow red laser beam. This thing was a huge holographic type of beam. I thought I could see images within it. Imagine a time portal if you will. I remember thinking this thought. Could this be part of an effort to thin out the human race? Not sure why that thought came to my mind. I only wish I had a video camera close at hand. Too bad I didn't have an iPhone on that mysterious night.


  1. Are you willing to take a polygraph?

  2. This website is so fucking retarded


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