Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How important is Brazil ?

From RUSNEWS.CN May 17, 2011

Today, Vladimir Putin met with Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer. Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that Russia's trade with Brazil up 28% in a year that has good prospects for bilateral cooperation. Putin said, "Brazil is not only our strategic partner in Latin America, and is within scope of our global strategic partners."

From Truth.ws : We need to increase our ties with South American Countries and Brazil needs to be #1 on our list. A few facts about Brazil-

1. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world.
2. Brazil is the seventh largest economy by purchasing power parity.
3. The Brazilian economy is the world's eighth largest economy by nominal GDP.
4. Brazil is China's top trading partner.
5. Russia Brazil trade is up 28%
6. Brazil is one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world with an average annual GDP growth rate of over 5 percent.
7. Population of Brazil is over 200,000,000.

Brazil is a beautiful country with huge natural resources and home to the great Amazon river. It is also the second largest economy in the western hemisphere. With current trade agreements in place and future agreements set in motion, Brazil is set to become a powerhouse in their own right.


  1. Nós somos muito importante para o mundo.

  2. So, only now americans realize this, pathetic, after starting getting broke and stopped to look only for themselves. Too late, all empires must fade away, sooner or later.


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